September Gift Guide
September is here, hooray! We are on the back-end of sweaty Summer and heading into Autumn, my favorite season. The evenings are starting to cool off, and as someone who doesn’t have air conditioning at home, this is a glorious thing for sleeping more comfortably. I’m ready for chilly camping with warm fires, watching the leaves morph into their magnificent shades of red, yellow, purple, orange and magenta, and the evocative smell of a wood stove that makes me salivate like Pavlov’s dog. Bring. It. On.
However, this post is actually about a September gift guide for our vivacious Virgos, who are in the spotlight until the 22nd, and lavish Libras. Last month, I mentioned that Virgos have an affinity for Citrine and Jasper and provided some complementary gift ideas; so, I’ll jump right into stones that are associated with the month of September since I love talkin’ bout purdy jewelry!
Onyx is da bomb, and I’m seriously diggin’ our new Gold Crescent Moon ring with this stone.
Black Onyx is a powerful protection stone that absorbs and transforms negative energy, and helps conserve personal energy. Do you have an energy vampire in your orbit who sucks the life right out of you? If chewing on garlic like it’s bubble gum and blowing it in their face isn’t deterring ‘em, try shielding yourself with this stone.
Finally, Libra season kicks off on the 23rd and Agate is a favored stone for this sign. Did you know we have pieces with Dendritic Agate, Green Agate and Crazy Lace Agate? It’s true! Agate enhances mental function, concentration, and analytical abilities; and I don’t know about you, but I could use that kind of natural enhancement in my life, shewww.
Rings of Saturn Necklace with Natural Agate
Since we’re wrapping up Virgo this month, I want to share that the Sombrero Galaxy is found in this constellation. This is a lenticular galaxy, meaning it’s disc shaped and contains little interstellar matter (which is necessary for ongoing star formation) because it’s been used up or lost over time. So, it’s primarily made up of aging stars -- kind of like the Florida of the Universe? I kid, I kid. Whatever the age of the recipient, gift them with something swell donning this Sombrero image.
But back to all the Libra beebees...who apparently have an ambiguous origin story. Historically, the constellation’s two major stars represented Chelae Scorpionis, the northern and southern claws of the Scorpion; however, it’s unclear when it actually became known as present-day Libra. Perhaps the Romans influenced this transition since they identified it with the scales held by Astraea, the goddess of justice. They believed the Moon was in Libra when Rome was founded, and this astrological sign represented balance to them because this is where the Sun was housed during the Autumnal Equinox. Fun Fact: Libra is the only astrological symbol that doesn’t depict some type of living creature.
Libras are ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty and love, and we have everything you need to create a custom Venus piece for your favorite person!
Whatever your shopping needs, we hope your experience is out of this world!